This publication contains the 1966 LL Convention; the articles of the 1988 LL Protocol; a consolidated text of the 1966 LL Convention as modified by the 1988 LL Protocol, which has been amended by resolution MSC.143(77); the 2004 Amendments to the 1988 LL Protocol and the unified interpretations of the 1966 LL Convention approved by the Maritime Safety Committee up to December 2004.
The International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (1966 LL Convention) was adopted by the International Conference on Load Lines on 5 April 1966 and entered into force on 21 July 1968. It has since been amended by means of Assembly resolutions as follows:
.1 by Assembly resolution A.231(VII), which was adopted on 12 October 1971;
.2 by Assembly resolution A.319(IX), which was adopted on 12 November 1975;
.3 by Assembly resolution A.411(XI), which was adopted on 15 November 1979;
.4 by Assembly resolution A.513(13), which was adopted on 17 November 1983; and
.5 by Assembly resolution A.784(19), which was adopted on 23 November 1995.